Tuesday, March 31, 2009




The prevention of credit card fraud is an important application for prediction techniques. Here we describe the detection of credit card fraud using neural networks. One major obstacle for using neural network training techniques is the high necessary diagnostic quality. Since only one financial transaction of a thousand is invalid no prediction success less than 99.9% is acceptable. Due to these credit card transaction proportions complete new concepts had to be developed and tested on real credit card data. This paper shows how the neural network techniques can be combined successfully to obtain a high fraud coverage.
Using data from a credit card issuer, a neural network based fraud detection system is trained on a large sample of labelled credit card account transactions and tested on a holdout data set that consisted of all account activity over a subsequent two-month period of time. The neural network is trained on examples of fraud due to lost cards, stolen cards, application fraud, counterfeit fraud, mail-order fraud and NRI (non-received issue) fraud. The network detected significantly more fraud accounts with significantly fewer false positives (reduced by a factor of 20)over rule-based fraud detection procedures..
A special category of stolen cards has become a major problem in recent years: the theft of cards from the mail. This so-called NRI (non-receipt of issue) fraud affects issuers at the time of both new card issues as well as re-issues. Certain geographic regions of the country are more at risk than others for NRI. In some areas, the problem has been so severe that issuers have used alternate methods of card delivery (courier as opposed to mail), as well as special card activation programs.

Neural networks are specialized computer software that produce non-linear models of complex problems in a fundamentally different way. From a large database, neural networks can develop a set of rules to recognize and predict certain conditions. This software is learns from experience how to do the task, instead of waiting for programmers to develop the correct relationship. This software works best at recognizing, predicting and controlling patterns, such as in fraud detection, payment reviews and other areas where large amounts of data are gathered.

Here, in the forthcoming pages we are going to see the following sub-topics:

What is a neural network?
Most common neural network and its example
Why we go for neural networks and engineering approach
Neural networks in practice
Selected application:
Neural fraud detection in credit card operations

Hence at the end of this paper we will find the importance of neural networks as the slogan goes below:
“Neural networks do not perform miracles. But if used sensibly they can produce some amazing results.”

What is a Neural Network?
A neural network is a powerful data modeling tool that is able to capture and represent complex input/output relationships. The motivation for the development of neural network technology stemmed from the desire to develop an artificial system that could perform "intelligent" tasks similar to those performed by the human brain. Neural networks resemble the human brain in the following two ways:
A neural network acquires knowledge through learning.
A neural network's knowledge is stored within inter-neuron connection strengths known as synaptic weights.
The true power and advantage of neural networks lies in their ability to represent both linear and non-linear relationships and in their ability to learn these relationships directly from the data being modeled. Traditional linear models are simply inadequate when it comes to modeling data that contains non-linear characteristics.
Most common Neural Network :
The most common neural network model is the multilayer perceptron (MLP). This type of neural network is known as a supervised network because it requires a desired output in order to learn. The goal of this type of network is to create a model that correctly maps the input to the output using historical data so that the model can then be used to produce the output when the desired output is unknown. A graphical representation of an MLP is shown below.
Figure 1

Block diagram of a two hidden layer multiplayer perceptron (MLP). The inputs are fed into the input layer and get multiplied by interconnection weights as they are passed from the input layer to the first hidden layer. Within the first hidden layer, they get summed then processed by a nonlinear function (usually the hyperbolic tangent). As the processed data leaves the first hidden layer, again it gets multiplied by interconnection weights, then summed and processed by the second hidden layer. Finally the data is multiplied by interconnection weights then processed one last time within the output layer to produce the neural network output.
The MLP and many other neural networks learn using an algorithm called backpropagation. With backpropagation, the input data is repeatedly presented to the neural network. With each presentation the output of the neural network is compared to the desired output and an error is computed. This error is then fed back (backpropagated) to the neural network and used to adjust the weights such that the error decreases with each iteration and the neural model gets closer and closer to producing the desired output. This process is known as "training".
Figure 2

Demonstration of a neural network learning to model the exclusive-or (Xor) data. The Xor data is repeatedly presented to the neural network. With each presentation, the error between the network output and the desired output is computed and fed back to the neural network. The neural network uses this error to adjust its weights such that the error will be decreased. This sequence of events is usually repeated until an acceptable error has been reached or until the network no longer appears to be learning.
Why use neural networks ?
Neural networks, with their remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or imprecise data, can be used to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be noticed by either humans or other computer techniques. A trained neural network can be thought of as an "expert" in the category of information it has been given to analyse. This expert can then be used to provide projections given new situations of interest and answer "what if" questions.Other advantages include:
Adaptive learning : An ability to learn how to do tasks based on the data given for training or initial experience.
Self-Organisation: An ANN can create its own organization or representation of the information it receives during learning time.
Real Time Operation: ANN computations may be carried out in parallel, and special hardware devices are being designed and manufactured which take advantage of this capability.
Fault Tolerance via Redundant Information Coding: Partial destruction of a network leads to the corresponding degradation of performance. However, some network capabilities may be retained even with major network damage.
An Engineering Approach:
A simple neuron:
An artificial neuron is a device with many inputs and one output. The neuron has two modes of operation; the training mode and the using mode. In the training mode, the neuron can be trained to fire (or not), for particular input patterns. In the using mode, when a taught input pattern is detected at the input, its associated output becomes the current output. If the input pattern does not belong in the taught list of input patterns, the firing rule is used to determine whether to fire or not.
Figure 3
A simple neuron
Neural Networks in Practice :
Ø Pattern Recognition
Ø sales forecasting
Ø Industrial process control
Ø Customer research
Ø Data validation
Ø Risk management
Ø Target marketing
Ø Optical character recognition (OCR)
Ø Process Modeling and Control
Ø Machine Diagnostics
Ø Portfolio Management
Ø Target Recognition
Ø Medical Diagnosis
Ø Credit Rating
Ø Targeted Marketing
Ø Voice Recognition
Ø Financial Forecasting
Ø Quality Control
Ø Intelligent Searching
Ø Fraud Detection
Ø Recognition of speakers in communications
Ø Diagnosis of hepatitis
Ø Recovery of telecommunications from faulty software
Ø Interpretation of multimeaning Chinese words
Ø Undersea mine detection
Ø Texture analysis

Selected Application:
Neural Fraud Detection in Credit Card Operations:
Pattern recognition is certainly one of the most relevant areas of application of neural networks. The range of concrete problems that may fall under this category is very wide. But another area of great practical interest and active research is the classification of what may be called social or economical patterns.
A clear instance are the long and widely used systems for credit scoring that have essentially to decide whether or not a given petition is credit worthy or, instead, should be rejected. This problem model is extendible to many other interesting instances as insurance policy decisions, financial ratings, acceptance or rejection of credit cards operations.
This last problem has, of course, received a great deal of attention, under many different approaches, some of them Neural Networks based. There are even several commercial fraud detection systems with large neural components. In any case, it certainly has some peculiar characteristics derived from the different usage that such cards can have, though, we are going to concentrate only on the detection of possibly fraudulent operations. By this, we mean the usage of a given card that may have been lost, stolen or falsified by an unauthorized person against the will of its true owner. Certainly this possibility has to be taken into account even if the card’s main use is as a credit device. Fraud is then the paramount risk issue.
Credit card fraud detection also has two other highly peculiar characteristics. The first one is obviously the very limited time span in which the acceptance or rejection decision has to be made. The second one is the huge amount of credit card operations that have to be processed at a given time. To just give a medium size example, in Spain more than 1.2 million Visa card operations take place in a given day, 98% of them being handled on line. Of course, just very few will be fraudulent, but this just means that the haystack where these needles are to be found is simply enormous.
When considering the information to be used to rate a given operation, two distinct possibilities arise. In the first one, that we may call by-owner, operations are rated according to the usage history of the card owner. This approach requires the ability to fetch in a very fast way the pertinent owner‘s information from the usually huge databases of all cardholder’s historical records. We have to clarify what is meant for fast in this setting. Fraud prevention is very important to card issuers, but not to the point of making impractical or simply inconvenient the daily card utilisation by hundreds of thousands customers. When all the time needed for the remote connections and the basic operation processing is taken into account, a fraud detection system usually has no more than a rather small fraction of a second to perform its task. This allotted time most likely will not be enough for large database queries. Of course, this may be alleviated if specially configured and dedicated hardware is available, but it will certainly result in higher start up and maintenance costs.
In any case, it is also true that such systems have additional advantages, being the most relevant one the deep and powerful analysis that the past history of a customer allows when rating a certain operation. The specified systems may very well work in a sort of "deferred on-line" mode: even if a given operation has to be authorized before an eventually negative rating has been completed, further incoming operations of its card will be effectively blocked. Notice that fraud may be fought over individual transactions, but it is won on the sum of them. Moreover, given the nature of stolen or falsified card users, they will shift their attention from issuers with globally effective prevention systems to others less prepared.
There are situations, however, where a "by owner" system is simply impossible to set up. This is case when a detection system is to be installed not at an issuer but rather in an "operation hub". That is, a central operation processing center receives transactions from many sellers, distributes them to each particular card issuer, and relays its answer back to the originating sales point. The most important activity of such a hub is to streamline credit card traffic back and forth between sellers and issuers: therefore, it essentially does not have any owner information. Thus, contrary to what happens for instance to card issuing institutions, the above hubs are not good candidates for a "by-owner" system. An alternative solution is to build a scoring system "by-operation", that is, a system that only uses the information of the operation itself. When complemented with the previous operation history of the associated cards over a period of time, variables such as operation frequency, accumulated amounts, acceptance or rejection rates of previous operations, and so on, can be derived. These variables are obviously of great interest when deciding whether the current operation is legal or not.
Certainly, this is used in a "by-owner" system, but this approach has some clear strong points.
Since only operations of an immediately previous period of time are considered, data querying is done on relatively small databases, and operation scoring and authorization can be performed in real-time, without requiring deferred processing.
The small database size make possible to install such a system without having to use large dedicated hardware, thus reducing sensibly its costs.
Its placement on a operation hub allows it to simultaneously service several issuers, without having to install individual systems at each of them.
Fraud detection in credit card operation falls neatly in principle within the scope of pattern recognition procedures, and its solution can be sought through the construction of appropriate classifier functions. However, and has it may also be expected, it has certain characteristics of its own that make it a rather difficult problem. The most important is the great imbalance between good operations and fraudulent ones. This is not surprising at all: after all, card issuers intend to make a profit out of credit card use, and fraud directly diminishes that profit. Thus, they will already have implemented a number of fraud prevention methods. In one words, new fraud detection tools, neural or other, are weapons to be used in a war already being fought.
From the point of view of the construction of neural detectors, this imbalance will certainly make model training rather difficult. In fact, typical fraud rates may well be in the one per tens of thousands. This simply means that prior to the model construction, some kind of data segmentation has to be applied in order to lower these rates in the data sets to be used. Segmentation criteria have to be defined after a thorough statistical analysis of legal and fraudulent traffic among, for instance, the different geographical and sector areas for which independent detection modules are to be built.
If properly working, neural real time fraud detection systems will not only be technically feasible, but highly interesting from a purely economical point of view. However, their development has to overcome certain hurdles. First, rather extensive data analysis has to be performed on traffic information to obtain a meaningful set of detection variables. This analysis is also necessary to effectively segment that data in such a way that enormous imbalances between legal and fraudulent traffic do not overwhelm the later to the point of making detection possible. Moreover, difficult prior probabilities estimation and class overlapping may make ordinary multilayer perceptrons training essentially useless; it is thus necessary to devise new model building approaches.
Finally, we mention that although it is certainly possible to use the ratings of a neural credit card detection system as the basis for absolute automated operation acceptance or rejection criteria, an alternative, more realistic approach in by-operation systems is to use those ratings. If used jointly with a card’s immediate operation history to make referral decisions, the performance and reliability of the system will be greatly enhanced. Even if this makes necessary to make the system work jointly with an Authorization Center this approach will still attack a significant portion of attempted fraud while making very good sense from a cost effectiveness point of view.
.The model for such a system is represented in the following diagram

Figure 4
The computing world has a lot to gain from neural networks. Their ability to learn by example makes them very flexible and powerful. Furthermore there is no need to devise an algorithm in order to perform a specific task; i.e. there is no need to understand the internal mechanisms of that task. They are also very well suited for real time systems because of their fast response and computational times which are due to their parallel architecture.
Neural networks also contribute to other areas of research such as neurology and psychology. They are regularly used to model parts of living organisms and to investigate the internal mechanisms of the brain.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of neural networks is the possibility that some day 'consious' networks might be produced. There is a number of scientists arguing that conciousness is a 'mechanical' property and that 'consious' neural networks are a realistic possibility.
Finally, we would like to state that even though neural networks have a huge potential we will only get the best of them when they are intergrated with computing, AI, fuzzy logic and related subjects.
References :
v P. Barson, S. Field, N. Davey, G. McAskie, R. Frank: The
Detection of Fraud in Mobile Phone Networks; Neural
Network World 6, 4, pp. 477-484 (1996)
v S. Ghosh, D.L. Reilly: Credit Card Fraud Detection with a Neural Network; Proc. 27th Annual Hawaii Int. Conf. On System Science, IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, Vol.3, pp.621-630 (1994)

v http://www.neuronet.com/

v http://www.neuralworld.com/

v http://www.ieee.com/

v http://www.google.com/

object oriented programming(unit 1)



Program :
A sequence of instructions s communicated to the computer to solve a problem, this sequence of instructions is called program

Programming languages :
To communicate these instructions with the systems, programming languages are developed.

Hardware and software :

Hardware – “Physical Structure of the computer”
Software – “Programs needed for the computer to do jobs”

Types of Software:
i) Application Software – Set of programs necessary to solve the problems, written by the user of a computer. (eg – Finding factorial of a number)
ii) System Software – Written by the computer manufactures related to that computer mechanisms.(eg – compiler, interpreter, loader). Set of programs which communicate the application software to the computer.

Types of programming Languages:

i) Low Level language:
As a computer does everything in binary form, the programs t be given to a computer must be given only in a binary form ( 0&1 alone must be used). This program said to be in machine language.

ii) High Level language:

Writing low level program is difficult –to overcome this high level languages were developed. (eg) BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, COBOL, C.
iii) Assembly Level Language:
Assembly Level Languages uses mnemonic codes
Eg : ADD A,B
Above Statement represents the addition of Value of Accumulator and value of B register. The resultant contents are stored in Accumulator itself.

Styles of Programming:

Each programming language enforces a particular style of programming. The way of organizing information is influenced by its style of programming and it is known as programming paradigm.
First Generation Programming Languages:

· From 1954 – 1958
· It is also called monolithic programming
· It is developed for simple application purpose
· You will have expressions, expressions have operands and operators
· No support for subprograms
· Data is globally available
· Example are : FORTRAN –I , ALGOL 58,Flowmatic
Sequence of statements (Program)
Global Data

Second Generation Programming Languages :

· From 1959 – 1961
· Allows subprograms (functions, procedure, subprograms)
· Partial hiding information(through subprogram)
· Sharing the data by many subprograms breaks the data hiding principle
· Example are : FORTRAN II, ALGOL 60, COBOL

Global Data

Third Generation Programming Languages:

· From 1962 -1970
· It is also called Structured Programming
· Uses sequential code
· Introduction of scope of variables
· Allows Subprograms

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Global Data
Nested Subprograms
Local Variables may exist in the subprograms

Different between Structured Programming and Object Oriented Programming :

Structured Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Top-down approach
Bottom-up approach
Focus is on algorithm & control flow
Focus is on object model or data
Program is divided into a no.of sub modules or functions or procedures
Program is organized by having a no.of classes and objects
Functions are independent of each other
Each class is related in a hierarchical manner
No designated receiver in the function
There is a designated receiver for each message passing
Views data and functions as two separate entities
Views data and functions as a single entity
Maintenance is costly
Maintenance is relatively cheaper
Software reuse is not possible
Helps in software reuse
Function call is used
Message passing is used
Function abstraction is used
Data abstraction is used
Algorithm is given importance
Data is given importance
Solution is solution-domain specific
Solution is problem-domain specific
No encapsulation . Data and function are separate
Encapsulation packages . code & data altogether. Data & functionalities are put together a single entity
Relational between programmer & program is emphasized
Relational between programmer user is emphasized
Data driven technique is used
Is driven by delegation of responsibilities.


OOP is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as co-operative collections of objects, each of which represents an instance of some class & whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united through the property called inheritance.

Concepts of OOP:
Data abstraction
Data Encapsulation
Dynamic binding
Message Passing

Classes and objects :

Object is anything having crisply defined conceptual boundaries.
Eg: Book, pen, train, employee etc...
Not an example : Beauty, river, sky etc…

An object has
- States or properties
- Operations
- Identity
Properties :- Properties maintain the internal state of object
Operations:- Operations provide the appropriate functionality to the object
Identity:- Identity differentiates one object from the other.

Class is a collection of objects . (or) The class is a prototype or blueprint or model that defines different features. A feature may be a data or an operation. Data are represented by instance variables or data variables in a class. The operations are also known as methods or functions.

Object Model is defined by the means of classes and objects.
1. Object is an instance of class datatype
2. It gives life to a class
3. It is a container for storing its features
4. It occupies memory location
5. It can be manipulated Class Object
Class is a datatype
It generates object
It is the prototype or model
It doesn’t occupy memory location
IT can’t be manipulated because it is
not available in the memory

Mapping real world entity to object oriented programming:
Real World Abstraction OOP Class

Different styles of representing an object:

Object Name
Attribute 1
Attribute N
Operation 1
Operation N

Attr 1

Object Name
Attribute 1
Attribute N

Oprn – operation, Attr - Attribute

Encapulation :
Is a mechanism that associates the data and code that manipulates the data and keep them safe from external interference and misuse.
Data Abstraction :
Creating new data types using encapsulated items that are suited to an application to be programmed is called as data abstraction.
Abstract Data Types(ADT) :
The data types created by data abstraction are called as abstract data types.
Inheritance :
Is a process of deriving a new class from the existing class without modifying it.
Advantage :
· Adding new features to the system without modifying the existing one.
· Easy to enhance the system
· Reusability of code.

Differentiate data abstraction and encapsulation.
Data abstraction
Separates interface and implementation
Groups related items into one group
Provide access to a specific part of data
Hides the data and the user cannot access the same directly
Defined as a data type called class which separates interface from implementation
Packages data and functionality and hides the implementation details

Polymorphism :
Ability to take more than one form. Two types :
· Compile time polymorphism(Static or Early binding) –Linking done at compile time. Eg: Function overloading, Operator Overloading
· Runtime Polymorphism(Dynamic or Late binding) - Linking done at run time.
Eg : Virtual Function
Message Communication :
Objects can communicate(interact) with each other through functions. Message passing involves specifying the name of an object, name of the function(message) and information to be sent. It is similar to function call.
Example : student.marks(rollno);
Where student – object marks – message rollno - information
Benefits or advantages or Merits of OOP:
OOP offers several benefits to both the program designer and user.
· Extend the program without modifying the existing one using the concept of inheritance provides reusability of code.
· The standard library can be extended by users reduces the amount of code and allow us to build reliable programs.
· Data hiding allow us to build secure programs.
· Easily partitioned a large project into small module and handled easily.
· Object oriented systems can be easily upgraded from small to large systems.
· Software complexity can be easily managed.
· Suitable for solving complex problems.
· Easily map the real world problems.
· Software maintenance cost reduced.
· Software quality improved.

Applications of OOP :
The areas make use of OOP are real time systems, Digital Image Processing, Neural networks, Pattern Recognition, AI and expert systems, Mobile computing, Parallel Computing, DBMS, Data warehousing and Data Mining, Object oriented databases.
Structure of a C++ program :
Include Files
Class Declarations
Member Function Definitions
Main Function Program
The 4 sections may be placed in separate or same file.
• Organize the program into 3 separate files
1. Class Declarations
2. Member Function Declarations
3. The main function which includes previous 2 files.

Advantage :
• Abstracts the implementation details from other users.
• Resembles client-server model

Member Function

Class Definition

Main FunctionDifferent phases of C++ program execution.
· Creating a Program
· Compiling a Program
· Linking the program with functions that are needed from the C++ library
· Executing the program

Introduction :

• Object Oriented Programming Language
• Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Laboratories in the year
• Extension of C
• C with OO concepts
• Called as C with Classes

Applications C++ :

• Able to handle very large programs
• Suitable for developing editors, compilers, databases, communication
systems and complex real world problems.
• Able to map real world problem properly.
• Programs are easily maintainable and expandable.

Character set :

• All Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabets A..Z & a..z
• All digits from 0..9
• Special characters
TOKENS :In a C++ program the smallest individual units are known as C++ Tokens
Eg : constants, identifiers, keywords, operators, etc.,
Identifiers :

• Every word in C++ program can be either Identifier or Keyword
• Identifier is a name given to Variables, Functions, Constants,
Symbolic constants

• Consists of only letters,digits or underscore
• First character must be an alphabet
• Any length - Only first 31 characters are significant
• Cannot use a keyword
• Must not contain white space
Example :
Sum, avg, total, mark, a, b
Keywords :
• Built in words--- Fixed Meaning ( These meanings can’t be

• Written in lowercase letters

void, case, if, int ,float ,else, while

Data Types :
C++ supports three classes of datatypes:-
· •
Primary (or fundamental ) or built-in datatypes
· •
Derived datatypes

· User-defined datatypes

Primary (or fundamental ) or built-in datatypes :

int, float, double, char, short int, long int, signed short int, unsigned
short int etc.,
Derived datatypes
• Array
• Function
• Pointer
User-defined datatypes
• Structure
• Union
• Class
• Enumeration
· Entity whose value can be changed during program execution.
· All variables must be declared before it can be used in the program.
datatype variable name;
Example :
int a,b,sum;
float x;
char c, s[10];

It is also possible in C++ to declare a variable at the point of their first usage.
Example :
float avg = sum/n;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)

• Arithmetic Operators
• Relational Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Increment and Decrement Operators
• Conditional Operator
• Bitwise Operators
• Special Operators

Arithmetic Operators :

+ : Addition
- : Subtraction
* : Multiplication
/ : Division
% : Modulo Division
Example :
x + y, a - b, a * b, f / s, f % s
Relational Operators :
< : Less than
> : Greater than
<= : Less than or equal to
>= : Greater than or equal to
!= : Not equal to
Example :
x <> b, a <= b, f >= s, f != s
Logical Operators :

&& : Logical AND
|| : Logical OR
! : Logical NOT

Example :
a > b && x == 10;
a < b || a < n
!(x >= y)

Assignment Operators :
•Assignment Opeartor
•Compound Assignment Operators
Assignment Operator :
= : Assign value to a variable
Syntax :
variable = expression;
Example :
a = 100;
b = z + 10 *a;


Syntax :
variable opeartor = expression/constant
x = x + 10 can be written as x + = 10;
operator : can be any arithmetic, relational, logical operator.
Compound Assignment Operators :
+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, <<=, >>=
Example :
A+=exp; a-=exp; a*=exp;


Increment Operator : ++
Pre Increment - Eg: ++a
Post Increment – Eg: a++
Example : int a=10, b=10;
a = ++b assigns b = 11, a=11
a= b++ assign a = 10, b=11
Decrement Operator : --
Pre Decrement - Eg: --a
Post Decrement – Eg: a--

Ternary operator pair ?:
Syntax :
exp1 ? exp2 : exp3

True False
Example :
if (a>b)
else x=b;
Can be written as
x=(a>b) ? a : b


Operator Meaning

Bitwise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise exclusive OR
Shift Left
Shift Right
One’s complement

• Comma operator
• Size of operator
• Pointer operators
• Member selection operator

• Used to link the related expressions together
• Used in for loops and while loops
Example 1: swapping two numbers
t = x, x = y, y = t;
Example 2 :
a = (x=10,y=5,x+y);
Takes value from left to right manner:
1.Assigns 10 to the variable x
2.Assigns 5 to y
3.And finally assigns 15 to the variable a

Sizeof operator :

• Is a compile time operator
• It returns the number of bytes that the operand occupies
• Operand may be a variable, a constant or a datatype
Syntax :
Example :
M=sizeof(sum) returns 2 if sum is int
N=sizeof(long int) returns 4
a =sizeof(float) returns 4
a =sizeof(double) returns 8
a =sizeof(long double) returns 10

Additional Operators in C++ :
<< - Insertion operator
>> - Extraction operator
:: - Scope resolution operator
::* - Pointer-to-member declarator
->* - Pointer-to-member operator
.* - Pointer-to-member operator
new - Memory allocation operator
delete - Memory release operator
endl - Line feed operator
setw - Field width operator

Scope resolution operator ::

• Used to access the global variable.
Example :
int a = 10;
int a= 50;
a = a+100;
Output :

• Combination of operands and operators

Example :


• Implicit or AutomaticType conversion
• Explicit Type Conversion

Implicit Type conversion :

Compiler performs type conversion of data items when an expression consists of data items of different data types.

Explicit Type Conversion :

(data-type) expression;
(data-type) variable-name;
int a,b;
float c;
c=(float) a/b;

• Fixed values that do not change during the execution of a program.
Types of constants:
•Numeric constants :
1) Integer Constants 2) Real Constants
•Character constants:
1) Single character 2) String constants


INTEGER CONSTANTS: Sequence of digits.

Types of Integer Constants:
Decimal Integer constant: consists of a set of digits.(0 through 9 preceded by an optional + or - sign.
Eg : 1234 , -3215, 0, 65872, +77
• Embedded spaces, commas and non digit characters are not permitted between digits.
23,860 23 860 $555 - Not Permitted

Octal Integer Constant:
•Combination of digits (0 through 7 with a leading 0).
Eg : 088 , 0 , 0564, 0115

Hexadecimal Integer Constant:
•Sequence of digits (0 through 9, A through F with a leading 0x,0X)
Eg : 0X3, 0x3, 0XDEF, 0x8E


•Numbers containing fractional parts
•These numbers are called real (or floating point) constants.
Eg : 0.0083 -0.78 475.75 +36.0
215. .95 -.71 +.5

Real number may be expressed in exponential (or scientific notation).
mantissa e exponent

•Mantissa- real number expressed in decimal notation (or) an integer.


Single character constant:
•contains a single character enclosed within a pair of single quote marks.

Eg : ‘5’ ‘X’ ‘;’ ‘ ‘
‘5’– not the same as 5
o/p: 97(ASCII value of a =97)

• Sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes.
• Characters may be letters, numbers, special characters and blank space

Eg : “hai!” “1981” “WELLDONE” “X” “8+7”
“X” (does not have an equivalent integer value) not equal to ‘X’ (have an equivalent integer value)

Enumerated Data Types :

•User defined data type.
•Values ranges over a finite set of identifiers called as enumeration constants.
Syntax :
enum identifier {set of constants};
Example :
enum color {red, blue, green};
color a,b;
b = red; a = blue;
cout << a << b << c; displays 1 0


It is a program that processes the source code before it passes through the compiler.

It is placed in the source program before the main function.
• Macro substitution directives
• File Inclusion directives
• Compiler Control directives

Identifier in the program is replaced by a predefined value(string). Also called as symbolic constant declaration.
#define identifier(sym. Const. name) value
Example for Simple Macro Substitution
#define PI 3.14
#define NAME “XXX”
#define SUM 2*3-1

Argumented Macro Substitution(Macro function) :
#define identifier(f1, f2,…,fn) string
Example :
#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)
In program:--
The above example is expanded as
volume=CUBE(side); --- > (side*side*side)
#undef identifier


Searched only in the standard directory.
Example :

#include “filename”
Preprocessor inserts the entire contents of filename into the source code of the program. Search for the file is made first in the current directory and then in the standard directories.

Example :
#include “sum.cpp”

Operator Precedence and Associativity
Precedence of operator :
• Specifies which operator can be evaluated first.
• Each operator in C++ has a precedence associated with it.
Precedence of arithmetic operators :
High priority * / %
Lower priority + -
Example :
Evaluate x=a-b/3+c*2-1;
Evaluate y=a-b/(3+c)*(2-1);
Evaluate z=a-(b/(3+c)*2)-1;

•Specifies the direction - (from left to right (or) right to left) in which the expression is evaluated, while using the particular operator.
•It is also differs from operator to operator.



• If Statement
• If-Else Statement
• Switch Statement
• Goto Statement
• Break Statement
• Continue Statement


• For Loop
• While Loop
• Do-while Statement

: used to control the sequence of the execution of statements.
statement 1;
statement 2;
Example :
if (x == 100){ cout << "x is "; cout << x;}

: Some actions are performed even though the test expression fails.
if(test-expression) if(test-expression)
{ statement 1;
statement 1; else
statement 2; statement 2;
statement 3;
statement 4;
statement 5;

Example : if (x == 100) cout << "x is 100";else
cout << "x is not 100";

used when there are multiple conditions and different actions to be taken under each condition. (Multi-way decision)
if(test-expression 1)
statement 1;
else if(test-expression 2)
statement 2;
else if(test-expression 3)
statement 3;
statement 4;
Example :
if (x > 0) cout << "x is positive";else if (x < 0) cout << "x is negative";else
cout << "x is 0";

: It is used to execute statement a fixed number of times.

statement 1;

// countdown using a for loop#include using namespace std;int main (){ for (int n=10; n>0; n--) { cout << n << ", "; } cout << "FIRE!"; return 0;}
Output :10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FIRE!

: It is used when the number of iterations to be performed are not known in advance.
statement 1;
statement 2;

Example: // custom countdown using while #include using namespace std; int main (){ int n; cout << "Enter the starting number > "; cin >> n; while (n>0) { cout << n << ", "; --n; } cout << "FIRE!"; return 0;}
Output :Enter the starting number > 88, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FIRE!

It executes the body of a loop atleast once.
Syntax : do
statement 1;
statement 2;

Example : // number echoer #include using namespace std; int main (){ unsigned long n; do { cout << "Enter number (0 to end): "; cin >> n; cout << "You entered: " << n << "\n"; } while (n != 0); return 0;}

Output :
Enter number (0 to end): 12345You entered: 12345Enter number (0 to end): 160277You entered: 160277Enter number (0 to end): 0
You entered: 0


It terminates the execution of loop and the control is transferred to the statement immediately following the loop.
for(i=0;i<20;i++) while(expr)
{ {
…. …..
if(condition) if(condition)
break; break;
…. …..
} }
statement; statement;

Example :#include int main (){ int n; for (n=10; n>0; n--) { cout << n << ", "; if (n==3) { cout << "countdown aborted!"; break; } } return 0;} Output :10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, countdown aborted!

: used to replace multiple if-else statement.
case v1:
case v2:
default :

Example :
switch (x) { case 1: case 2: case 3: cout << "x is 1, 2 or 3"; break; default: cout << "x is not 1, 2 nor 3"; }

:It skips the remainder of the current iteration and initiates the execution of the next iteration.
for(j=0;j<20;j++) while(expr)
{ {
….. …..
if(expr) if(expr)
continue; continue;
…. ….
} }

Example :
#include using namespace std; int main (){ for (int n=10; n>0; n--) { if (n==5) continue; cout << n << ", "; } cout << "FIRE!"; return 0;} Output :10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, FIRE!


-Set of data items of the same datatype under a common name.
-They are popularly known as Subscripted Variable.
Array Definition(Single dimensional Array) :

Syntax: datatype array_name[array_size];
int age[5];
char name[20];

Accessing Array Elements:
•It can be accessed by using array index or subscript which ranges from 1 to n.

int age[5];
cout<Note: There is no array bound validation

Array Initialization – at Definition
datatype array_name[size]={list of values separated by comma};
int age[5]={10,1,50,20,11};
int age[]={10,1,50,20,11};
Array Initialization – Not in Definition
-using For loop ,while or do-while loop
Example 1 :
int age[5];
for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)
Example 2 : // arrays as parameters #include using namespace std; void printarray (int arg[], int length) { for (int n=0; n
Output :5 10 152 4 6 8 10

Two Dimensional Arrays
int a[3][3];
Initialization at Definition
datatype array_name[row_size][col_size]={
{elements of first row},
{elements of second row},
{elements of Nth row}


It is represented as an array of characters and the end of the string is marked by the NULL (‘\0’) character.
String constants : Are enclosed by double quotes.
Eg. cout<<“Welcome to SIT”;

char array_name[size];
char name[30];
String Initialization:
char array_name[size]=“string”;
char month[10] = “April”;



char name[20]=“hello”;
char name[20]=“rama”;last[20]=“world”;
int i;


Manipulators are operators used to format the output display. To include the file #include to use manipulators in the program. The manipulators are“\n” and “\t”, endl ,setw(),setbase(), setfill(), setprecision(), flush()
Endl : Used to feed one line.
Example : int a = 123, m = 21, n = 3; cout << a << endl << m << endl << n;
Output :
Setw(): Used to set the field width and used to display the output in right alignment form.
Example : int a = 123, m = 21, n = 3;
cout << setw(5) << a << endl << setw(5) <Output :
setbase() : Used to set the base.
Example : int value = 15; cout << setbase(10) << value << endl;
cout << setbase(8) << value << endl; cout << setbase(16) << value << endl;
Output :
setfill() : Used to fill the unused space created using setw() with specified character.
Example : int a = 123, m = 21, n = 3; cout << setfill(‘*’);
cout << setw(5) << a << endl << setw(5) <Output :
setprecision() : Used to control the no. of digits after decimal point.

Example : float a=12.3456; cout << a << endl;
cout << setprecision(2) << a << endl; cout << a;
Output :
flush() : Used to empty the output buffer.
Syntax : cout.flush();

Reference variable :
· alias (alternative name) for a previously declared variable.
· After that the 2 names can Provides an be used to access that variable.
Syntax : data-type var.name;
data-type & ref-name = var.name;
Example :
float total = 100;
float & sum = total; à sum and total = 100
total = total + 50; à sum and total = 150
sum = 0; à sum and total = 0
Need :
· Reduces the complexity of using pointer variable.
· Do the same function but not access the address.


Elements of Function :

1. Function Prototype
2. Function Parameters
3. Function Definition
4. Function Call
5. return statement

Function Prototypes:
•Additional feature added to C++
•It provides the following information to the complier.
1.The name of the function
2.The type of the value returned by the function
3.The no. and type of arguments passed to the function
•When the function call is encountered, the complier checks the function call with its prototype to ensure that correct arguments are used if not then the compiler informs the user about that.

Syntax :
ret. type fun.name(arg1, arg2,...argn);
Example :
Function Prototype :
float volume (int, float);
Function Definition :
float volume (int x, float y)
{ float a;
body of the function;
return a;
Function call :// function example#include using namespace std; int addition (int a, int b){ int r; r=a+b; return (r);} int main (){ int z; z = addition (5,3); cout << "The result is " << z; return 0;}

Output :
The result is 8

Parameter Passing

• call by Value

• call by Address

call by Reference

Pass by Value :
•Updation of an argument within the function not affect the main function
Example :
float volume (int, float); //Fn prototype
float volume (int x, float y) //Fn definition
float a;
a = x * y;
x= x + 10; y = y + 100;
cout< return a;
void main
{ int m =1, n = 2;
L = volume(m,n); //Function call
cout <Pass by Address :
•Passing address instead of value then the updation of an argument within the function affect the main function also.
Example :
float volume (int *, float *); //Fn prototype
float volume (int *x, float *y) //Fn definition
{ float a;
a = *x * *y;
*x= *x + 10; *y = *y + 100;
return a;
void main
{ int m =1, n = 2;
L = volume(&m,&n); //Function call
cout <

Pass by Reference :
Updation of an argument within the function affect the main function also because instead passing address only value can be passed but we create a reference to that variable in the function
Example 1: // passing parameters by reference #include using namespace std; void duplicate (int& a, int& b, int& c){ a*=2; b*=2; c*=2;} int main (){ int x=1, y=3, z=7; duplicate (x, y, z); cout << "x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ", z=" << z; return 0;} Output :x=2, y=6, z=14

Disadv of function:
•When the program executes the function call instruction the CPU stores the address of the instruction following the function call, copies the arguments of the function call onto the stack and finally transfers control to the specified function.
•The CPU then executes the function and stores the returned value in the predefined memory address and returns control to the calling function.
•It is a overhead in the execution time of the program
•Sometimes the execution of program takes lesser time than the context switch time..


• C++ provide a alternative in the form of Inline functions.
• Inline functions are those whose function body is inserted in place of the function call statement during the compilation process. There is no context switch overhead.
• Similar to macro of C.
Disadv of macro : They are not functions then usual error checking does not occur during compilation
•Inline function enjoy both the flexibility and power offered by normal functions and macro functions.

Syntax :
inline ret.type fun.name(arguments)
Body of the function
Example 1 :
Inline void hello()
int main()
return 0;
Output : hello

Example 2:
//To multiply two numbers
inline float mul(float x, float y)
void main()
float a,b;
cout<<“Enter 2 numbers”;
cout<cout<< “100 * 15 =“<}

Output :

Enter 2 numbers 5 3


•C++ allow us to call the function without specifying all the arguments defined in the function prototype.
•The compiler assigns a default value to the argument which does not have a matching argument in the function call.
•The default values are specified in the function prototype.
Example :// default values in functions#include using namespace std; int divide (int a, int b=2){ int r; r=a/b; return (r);}int main (){ cout << divide (12); cout << endl; cout << divide (20,4); return 0;}

principle of management (2 marks)

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
MG1351 Principles of Management

1) What is Management ?
Management is the process of giving direction and controlling the various activities of the people to achieve the objectives of an organization.
2) Define: Management.
According to Knootz and Weihrich “Management is the process of designing and maintaining of an environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims”.
3) Write some characteristics of Management ? Management is a continuous process.
Manager use the resources of organization both physical as well as human achieve the goal.
Management aims act achieving the organization goals by ensuring effective use of resources.
4) Write any two points favor for management as a science
Management principle should be verified. Reliable basis for predicting future.
5) what is time study ?
The movement which take minimum time is the best one.
6) What is motion study ?
Taylor suggested the that eliminating wasteful movements and performing only necessary movement .
7) what is authority ?
It is the power given to a person to get work from his subordinates.
8) what is responsibility ?
It is the amount of work from a man by his superior+.
9) Comment: Management is both –A science and an art
Management is a science because it contains general principles. It
is also an art because it requires certain personal skills achieve desired result
10) What is centralization?
The organization is centralized when the power is concentrated with one person.
11) What is decentralization ?
If the power is fully distributed to the subordinates of the
12) what is Esprit-de-corps ?
This means union is strength. In organization employees should be harmony and unity.

13)Write some important functions of top level management?
1)Top level management.
2)Middle level management.
3)lower level management.
14)Write some important functions of top level management ?
1)To formulate goals and policies of the company.
2)To formulate budgets.
3)To appoint top executives.
15) Write the functions of management ?
1) Planning.
2) Organizing.
3) Staffing.
4) coordinating.
5) controlling.
16) Define sole trade ?
The sole proprietorship is that form of business organization which owned and controlled by a single individual.
17) What is partnership ?
A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on business and to share its profit and losses.
18) What is joint stock company ?
Joint stock company is association of many persons who contribute money worth to common stock and explaining source trade and also share the profit and losses.
19) What is private limited company ?
A private limited company is a company which has a minimum paid up capital dory be prescribed.
20) White is a co-operative society ?
It is a voluntary association of persons for mutual benefit and it aims are accomplished through self heap and collective effort.
21) What is a social responsibility ?
Society is the part of the management to interact actions wither to protect social interest a society.

22) Define planning .
Planning is the process of selecting the objectives and determining the course of action required to achieve these objectives.

23) What are the main objective of planning
Planning is a primary function of organization It helps in achieving objectives It done to cope with uncertainty and changeIt helps in facilitating control It helps in coordination Planning increases organization effectiveness Planning guides in decision making
24)Define “Mission”
Mission may be defined as “a statement which defines the role that an organization plays in the society”
25) Define “objectives”
The term “objective” or “ goals” are often used interchangeably. Objective are the end results towards which the activities of attain its objectives.
26) what is mean by strategy
`Strategy of an organization is the programmers of action and deployment
of resources to attain its objectives.
27) what are the factors to be considered while formulating strategies ? Mission and objectives of an organization.Values , aspiration and
prejudices of top level management Opportunities and threads of the external environment . Strength and weakness of the firm in various aspects such as funds , organization structure , human talent , technology etc..
28) Define “ policies”
Policies are general statement or understanding which provide guidance in decision making to various managers .
29) what is procedure?
Procedure is a chronological order of action required to implement
a policy and to achieve an objectives.
30)What is programme ?
programme is a broad term which includes goals , polices ,
procedure , rules , task assignment , step to be taken, resources to be employed to carryout a given course of action.
31)Define budgets.
A budget is a statement of expected result in numerical terms and therefore , it may be referred as a numerical programmer.
32) What is objective ?
Objectives are the aims, purposes or goals that an organization wants to achieve over varying period of time.

33) What is MBO ?
MBO is a process whereby the superior and the superior and the subordinate manager of an enterprise jointly identify its common goals, define
each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms of result expected of him , and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and the contribution of
each of its members is assessed.
34) what is meant by “strategy” ?
A strategy may also be defined as a special type of plan prepared for meeting the challenge posted by the activities of competitors and other environmental forces.
35) What are the major kinds of strategies and policies ?
Growth, Finance, organization , personnel, products or service and market.
36) Write down any four factors which leads to fail of strategic planning.
Managers are inadequately prepare for strategic planning. The information for preparing the plans is insufficient for planning for action. The goals of the Organization are too vague. The business units are not clearly identified.

37) What is planning premises ?
The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are known as planning premises.
38)What are the practices made in making effective premising ? Selection of premises.
Collection of information..
Development of alternative premises for contingency planning. Verification of the consistency of premises.
Communication of planning premises.
39) Explain the term decision and decision making ?
A decision may be a direction to other to do or not to do ..Decision
–making is defined as the process of choosing a course of action from among alternatives to achieve a desired goal. It is one of the functions of management
and also a core process of planning The management executive takes a number of decisions every day. Thus, a decisions may be rational or irrational. The best one
is selected out of the available alternatives.

40) How would you evaluate the importance of a decision ?
Decision making is a selection process. The best alternative is selected out of many available alternatives.
Decision –making is a goal –oriented process . Decisions are made to achieve some goal or objective.
Decision making is the end process. It is preceded by detailed discussion and selection of alternatives.
Decision making is a human and rational process involving the application of intellectual ablates. It involves deep thinking and foreseeing things.
Decision making is a dynamic process. An individual takes a number of decisions each day.

41) Mention the three approaches generally adapted by managers in selections an alternative ?
Quantitative and Qualitative analysis. Marginal analysis.
Cost effectiveness analysis.
42)Define Organizing
Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain objectivities , delegating authority, creating the responsibility and establishing relationship for the people to work effectively.
43) What do you understand by effective organizing ?
Effective organizing focuses on finding in present organizing avoids organizational inflexibility and makes the staff work effective by avoiding conflicts by clarification.
44) How informal organization characteristics differ from formal organization ?
It arises without any external cause
It is created on the basis of some similarity among the member. The bases
of similarity may be age, sex, place of birth, caste, religion, liking/ disliking etc…
Informal organization has no place in the organization chart.
It is one of the parts of total organization.
45) What is span control ?
Span of control means the number of people managed effective by a single superior in an organization. The term “Span of control” is also known as “Span of management”, “span of authority” ,and “Span of responsibility” . But span of management is a better term because control and supervision are elements of management.
46) What is matrix structure ?
Matrix structure is a hybrid organizational form, containing characteristics of both project and functional structures.
47) How can we define power ?
“Power is the probability that one actor with in the relationship will be in a position to carry out his own despite resistance”.
48) What is line authority ?
Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises over a number of subordinates to carry out orders and instruction . IN organization process, authority is delegated to the individuals to perform the activities.
49) What is staff authority ?
The relationship between a staff manager with whom he works depends in part on the staff duties.
50) Define staffing .
Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with
the procurement utilization , maintenance and development of large satisfied work force on the organization.
51) Define Human resource planning.
“ Human resource planning is the process by which an organization
ensures that it has the right number and all kind of people at the right place at the right time , capable of effectively and efficiently completion ,those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives”.
52)What is job analysis ?
Job analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify the skills, experience and aptitude required for the job.
53) What is job design ?
The job design is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s needs and desires.
54) Define : Recruitment
B. Flippo define recruitment as “ The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating to apply for jobs in the organization”.
55) What is selection ?
Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates attracted
56) What is grading method ?
It is one of the trait-based appraisal method. The actual performance of the employees is measured against these grades . This method is generally useful for promotion based on performance .
57) What is mean by resources allocation ?
Manager is responsible for allocation of money, material and human resource in the organization. He utilizes minimum resource to give maximum profit to the organization.

58) Define the Peter principle.
The principle states that every person in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his incompetence .
59) Define :Training
According to B.Flippo “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job”.
60)Define ; Organizational conflict .
According to step “ conflict is a process in which an effort is purposefully made by one person or unit to block another that result in frustrating the
attainment of others goals of the furthering of his or her interests.
61)What is managerial grid ?
Managerial grid is behavioral theory of leadership. It plays an important role in managerial behavior in organizational development.

62 )What is meant by the term directing ?
Directing may be defined as the process of instructing ,guiding and inspiring human factors in the organization objectives. It is not only issuing
orders and instructions by a superior to his subordinates but also including process
of guiding and inspiring them to work effectively.
63) List down the human factors in managing ? Multiplicity of roles.
Individuality. Personal dignity.
64) Define creativity.
Creativity is defined as the ability to produce new and useful ideas through the components in novel and non obvious ways. Creativity exists throughout the populations, largely independent of age , sex and education.
65) What is a SCAMPER tool ?
SCAMPER is a checklist that helps us to think of changes. We can make
to an existing product to create a new one . these changes can be used either as direct suggestions or as starting points for lateral thinking.
66) What is meant by reframing matrix ?
Reframing Matrix is a simple technique that helps to look at business problems from a number of different viewpoints. It expands the range of creative solutions that you can generate. The approach relies on the fact that different
people with different experience approach problems in different ways.
67) State the function of mind mapping tool ?
This tool is similar to concept fan except looking one step back from main topic .A mindmap consists of a central word or concept with 5 to10 main ideas
that relate to that word , similar to creating a spider-web.
68) Mention the use of DO IT process for creativity ?
DO IT is a process for creativity. Techniques explained earlier in this chapter focus on specific aspects of creative thinking. DO IT bundles them together introduce formal methods of problem definition and evaluation. These
help you to get the best out of the creativity techniques. DO IT is an acronym that stands for:
D – Define problem
O – Open mind and apply creative techniques
I _ Identify best solution
T _ Transform
69) Differentiate innovation and invention. Innovation means the use of creative ideas.
Invention means really finding new things which are not already available.
70) How can be harmonizing objectives achieved ? Mutual trust.
Cooperation and understanding.
Worker’s participation in management, and
Balancing the objectives of the organization with those of individuals.
71)Define “multiplicity of roles” .
Individuals are not only the productive factor in management’s plans. They are members of social system of many organizations.
72) What is meant by Brain storming ?
Brainstorming is an excellent way of developing many creative solution
to a problem. It works by focusing on a problem , and then coming up with very many radical solutions to it . The essence of brainstorming is a creative
conference, ideally of a to 8 to12 people meeting for less than an hour to develop
a long listed without criticism on a backboard or newsprint as they are offered ;
one visible idea leads to others. At the end of this session , participants are asked how the ideas could be combined or improve.
73) Define motivation
According to koonts and O’Donnell, “Motivation is a general terms applying to the entire class of drives, desires , needs wishes and similar forces that induce an individual or a group of people to work”
74) Names the steps involved in motivation process. Analysis of situation .
Preparing, selecting and applying a set of appropriate motivating tools. Follow up.
75) What are the types of motivation
Positive motivation Negative motivation Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation
76) What is job enrichment ?
Job enrichment is therefore based on the assumptions that in order to motivate personnel, the job itself must provide opportunities achievement , recognition, responsibility, advancement and growth.
77) Define Leadership.
Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of others towards the accomplishment of goals in a given situation.
78) List out few leadership traits
The Michigaan studies
The Ohio state university studies
The managerial grid
79) State House’s path- goal approach .
Leaders are effective because of the influence on the followers motivation, ability to perfume and their satisfaction.
80) What is Laissez- faire ?
Complete freedom is given to the subordinate so that they plan , motivate, control and otherwise be responsible for their own action.
81) What is communication ?
Communication is the passing of information from one person to another
82) Name the various types of communication
Downward communication
Upward communication
Horizontal or Lateral communication
83) Define control ?
According to Knootz “ Controlling to the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised
to attain them are accomplished”.
84) Why need of control in the organization ? Control process is universal.
Control is a continuous process. Control is action based.
Control is forward looking.
85) Why need of control in the organization ? Control can minimize the mistake .
To discover the deviations in the management
To minimum dishonest behaviors of employees.
86) What are the Inter –relationship between planning and end with control ? The management process of adjusting future action on the basis of
information about past performance. Control helps in achieving them.
87) What is Feedback Control ?
Feedback control is the process of adjusting future action on the basis of information about past performance.
88)What is management by exception ?
Actual performance compare with the standard performs deviations which can not significant should be avoid.
89) What is concurrent control ?
This control measures for taking corrective action while an programme meet any obstacle in this activities.
90) What is feed forward control ?
It is preventive in nature . This control involves evaluation of inputs and taking corrective action before a particular operation is completed.
91)What is direct labour Budget ?
Direct labour Budget reveals the expected labour requirements during the budget period.
92) What is fixed Budget ?
In this budget in which targets are rigidly fixed .This is a forecast of the targets for the coming fear prepared well in advance.
93)What is flexible budget ?
A flexible budget is a budget designed to change in the level of activity.
94) What is Internal Audit ?
Internal audit is done by an internal auditors who is an employee of the organization . He examines the objectives, policies, plans procedures and performance of the management
95) Define Productivity ?
Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output .i.e. the ratio (output/input) is called productivity.
96)Define : OR
Operation Research is a systematic analysis of a problem through
scientific methods ,carried out by appropriate specialists ,working together. As a team , finding an optimum and the most appropriate solution to meet the given set
of constraints.
97) What is JIT ?
Just In Time Inventory system. In this method the suppliers delivers the materials to the production spot just in time to be assembled .This method reduces cost of inventory.
98) What is value engineering ?
It is a special type of cost reduction and product improved technique.

99) What is preventive control ?
An efficient manager applies the skills in managerial philosophy to eliminate undesirable activated which are the reasons for poor management.
100) Define : Multinational corporation.?
“ An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside the country in which they are based “.
101) What is Ethnocentric attitude ?
The manager orientation and managerial activities, operations was based on that of the parent company.
102) What is polycentric attitude ?
Polycentric attitude manager orientation was host country orientation .

103) What is geocentric attitude?
This type of managers are trained to balance central ,local and global objectives.

1) Explain the principle of F.W.Taylor theory.
2)Explain the Henry Fayol management theory.
3)What are the major functions of management explain.
4)Explain management is an art or science both science and art.
5)Explain the types of business organization.
6)Describe the various elements in planning ?
7)What are different types of plans ?
8)Give an account of various steps involved in planning ?
9)Describe the different objectives of planning ?
10)Explain briefly the benefits and weakness of MBO ?
11)Describe the steps in rational decision making ?
12)Explain how formal organization is different from informal organization
13)Discuss about the factors determining an effective span of management
14)Write short note on types of departmentation and matrix organization
15)Explain the concept of functional authority . How do you delegate ?
16)Explain the concept of decentralization ?
17) Explain the concept of motivation.
18) Write short note on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
19) Explain different styles of leadership based on authority
20) Explain the qualities required for effective leadership
21) What are the barriers of effective communication ? Explain them
22) Discuss the importance of communication in a modern industrial organization
23)Explain the steps in the process of controlling.
24)Explain the role of MIS play at various levels of management
25)What are the effective steps for direct control and preventive control ?
26)What are the factors effect the operations of the multi national enterprises
27)Explain a unified global theory of management

unit 5(principle of management)

UNIT V Controlling
System and process of controlling – Requirements for effective control – The Budget as control Technique – Information Technology in controlling – use of Computers in handling the Information – Productivity – Problems in Management – Control of Overall performance – Direct and Preventive Control – Reporting – The Global Environment – Globalisation and Liberalisation – International Management and Global Theory of Management.

- as the process of analyzing actual operations and seeing that actual performance is guided towards expected performance.
- Comparing operating results with plans and taking corrective action when results deviate from plans
- Def. Koontz and O’Donnell “ The managerial function of controlling is the measurement and correction of the performance of activities of subordinates in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are being accomplished.

Nature & Purpose of Control
Control is an essential function of management
Control is an ongoing process
Control is forward – working because pas cannot be controlled
Control involves measurement
The essence of control is action
Control is an integrated system

Elements of Control
Information Feedback
Delegation of Authority
Remedial action

Control Process
1. Fixation of Standard
2. Measurement of Performance
3. Comparing performance with standards
4. Correction of Deviations

Problems in the Control Process
Ø Magnitude of Change
Ø Time rate of Change
Ø Erroneous standard ( Mistakes in setting standard)
Ø Workers Resistance
Ø Communication Problems

Characteristic of an ideal Control system
Ø Suitable
Ø Flexible
Ø Economical
Ø Simple
Ø Objective
Ø Prompt
Ø Forward looking
Ø Suggestive
Ø Strategic point control
Ø Motivational

Techniques of Managerial Control
Traditional Techniques
1. Personal Observation ( For Eg. A Factory manager goes around the plant, observes the performance of Employees and Machines)
2. Good Organisation Structure
3. Unity of Plans
4. Statistical Control Reports
5. Budgetary control – Statement expressed in financial terms
a. Master budget
b. Functional Budget - Sales budget, Production budget, Material budget, Labour budget, Cash budget, Administrative Overhead budget,
c. Capital & Revenue budget
d. Fixed and Flexible Budget
e. Zero base budgeting ( the budget proposals are considered from the ground up ( zero base) or from scratch

Objectives of Budgetary Control
a. Planning
b. Coordination
c. Control
d. Motivation
e. Efficiency

Ø Optimum use of resources
Ø Fixation of Responsibility
Ø Effective coordination
Ø Planned approach
6. Profit & loss control
7. External audit Control
8. Overall Control criteria ( BEP Analysis)
9. Return on Investment Control

10. Management Audit
Ø Organisation Structure
Ø Executive appraisal
Ø Functioning of the management board
Ø Soundness of Earning
Ø Economic Functioning
Ø Service to stock holders
Ø R & D
Ø Fiscal Policy
Ø Production Efficiency

11. Responsibility accounting
Ø Cost centre
Ø Profit centre
Ø Investment centre

Techniques of Management
Ø MBP – Management by Participation implies the mental and emotional involvement of employees, share holders, investors, consumers and other stake holders in the decision making process.

Work Committee
Joint Management Councils
Worker Directors

Productivity & Operations Management
Ø Productivity which accounts for profitable operations of an enterprises and provides opportunities to an enterprise for remaining competitive and successful in an area of global competition
Ø Output – input ratio, within a given time period & with due consideration for quality of Performance

Problems in Measuring Productivity of Knowledge workers
- Measurement of the productivity of skill workers is easier but it becomes more difficult to measure the productivity of knowledge workers
- Greatest scope for increasing productivity lies in the work performed by knowledge workers Eg. Managers, Engineers, Cost accountant, etc.

Operation Management
- is the design and operation of systems. Working of Operation Management.

Input Transformation / Output
Conversion process

Raw Materials
Main Power Planning, operating & Product Management Controlling production Services
Physical Factors ( like land, System
Building, Machines, etc)
Feedback External Environment

Developing Excellent Managers – The key to preventive control

a. Efforts required on the part of managers themselves
Ø Willingness to learn
Ø Planning for Innovation & Inventions
Ø Tailoring Information
b. Efforts required on the part of the Organisation
Ø Acceleration of Managerial Development programmes
Ø Measuring Managerial programmes and rewarding it
Ø Need for management R & D
Ø Need for Intellectual Leadership


Ø Globalisation means the internationalization of trade. Particularly product transaction and the integration of economic and capital markets throughout the world.
Ø The integration takes place when trade exists freely among the different countries, thus the world economy becomes a single market or single economy.
Ø In globalization there is no restriction of quota, license, tariff and other administrative barrier for trade.

Benefits of Globalisation
Ø Improves efficiency
Ø Improves factor Income
Ø Improves finance
Ø Gains from Migrations

Drawbacks of Globalisation
Globalisation increases the problems of unemployment
Domestic Industries finds difficulty in survival
Only group of people who participate in the process of Globalisation will be benefited, this creates income inequality within the country
Control on domestic economy becomes more difficult
Developing country suffers from the problem of brain-drain

International Business
- Involves commercial activities that cross national frontiers
- It is a process of Entrepreneur conducting business activities across national boundaries
- It consist of Exporting, Importing, licensing, opening of Sales office
- The activities necessary for ascertaining the need and want of target consumer often takes place in more than one country. When an Entrepreneur executes his or her business model in more than one country International Business Occurring.

Entry into International Business
The method of entering or engaging in International Business can be divided into three categories
1. Exporting
o Indirect Exporting
o Direct Exporting
2. Non Equity arrangement – Doing international business through an arrangement that does not involve any investments.
- Licensing - allowing someone else to use something of the company’s in return for the payment of royalty
- Turn key Projects – A foreign Entrepreneur build a factory or other facility, training the workers, train the management and then turn it over to the local owners once the operation is completed, hence the name turn key operation
- Management Contracts – Contracting management techniques and skills. The management contracts allows the purchasing country to gain foreign expertise without giving ownership of its resources to a foreigner.
3. Direct Foreign Investments – preferred mode of ownership
- Minority Interest – Having less than 50% Ownership Position
- Joint Ventures – Merger of two companies

Domestic & International Enterprises, Characteristics and Practices
Educational Environment
Language Spoken, written


Education System ( Quality level, extent)
No or little constraint
Great constraint
Socio-cultural Environment
Values, attitudes (towards achievement, risk taking, work scientific methods)


Social organization(authority, status, roles, institutions, mobility)
Political & Legal Environment
Political orientation ( power, ideologies)

Country centered

Legal Envir ( Laws, codes regulations)
Fairly uniform
National sovereignties
Government Policies regulations
Economic Environment
Economic Development ( under developed industrialized)

At similar stages

At different stages
Economic System ( Capitalistic, socialistic, mixed)

International Management in selected countries
France – Le plan, Government Planning on national scale
Germany – Authority & Co-ordination
Australia – Moralistic stance and emphasis on political & social values, achievement and risk taking.
Italy – low tolerance for risks, competitive
Austria – Self realization & Leadership
Britain – Security, resourcefulness, adaptability & Logic.
Japanese Mgt – Lifetime Employment, Consensus Decision making

Japanese Mgt Planning
US Management Planning
Long term Orientation
Primarily short term Orientation
Collective decision making with concerns
Individual decision making
Involvement of many people in preparing and making the decision
Involvement of a few people in making and selling the decision to person with divergent values
Decision flow from bottom to top and back
Decisions initiated at the top, flowing down
Slow decision making, fast implementation of the decision
Fast decision making . Slow implementation requiring compromise often resulting in sub optimal decisions.

Japanese Mgt Organising
US Mgt Organising
Collective responsibility and accountability
Individual responsibility and accountability
Ambiguity of decision responsibility
Clear and specific decision responsibility
Informal Organization Structure
Formal, bureaucratic Organization structure.
Well known common organization culture and philosophy, competitive spirit towards other enterprises
Lack of common organization culture, identification with professin rather than with company.

Japanese Mgt Staffing
US Mgt Staffing
Young people hired out of school; hardly any mobility of people among companies
People hired out of school and fro others companies; frequent company changes
Slow promotion through the ranks
Rapid advancement desired and demanded
Loyalty to the company
Loyalty to the Profession
Very infrequent performance evaluation for new employee
Frequent performance evaluation for new employees
Appraisal of long term performance
Appraisal of short term results
Promotion based on multiple criteria
Promotion based primarily on individual performance
Training & Development considered a long term investment
Training & Development undertaken with hesitation
Life time Employment common in large companies
Changes common

Japanese Mgt Leading
US Management Leading
Leader acting as a social facilitator and group member
Leader acting as decision maker and head of the group
Paternalistic style
Directive style
Common values facilitating co-operation
Often divergent values, individualism; sometimes hindered co-operation
Avoidance of confrontation, sometimes leading to ambiguities emphasis on harmony
Face-to-face confrontation common emphasis on clarity
Bottom-up communication
Communication primarily top -down

Japanese Mgt Controlling
US Mgt Controlling
Control by peers
Control by superior
Control focus on group performance
Control focus on individual performance
Saving face
Fixing blame
Extensive use of quality control circles
Limited use of quality control circles.

Define Control
State four essential of Effective Control
Distinguish between Management by Exception ( MBE) & Management by objectives (MBO)
Define CPM
Define PERT
Define Management audit
Define Budgetary control
Define Break Even point
Define Coordination
Differentiate Coordination and Cooperation

“ The essence of control is action” Comment
“Planning & Controlling functions are two sides of the coin” comment
Discuss the control process and types of control
“ Planning is looking ahead but controlling is looking back.” Explain
Briefly explain the Control techniques
“ Budgeting is basically an instrument of planning but it also serves as a technique of control – comment
Explain the concept of Global Environment
Explain the role of IT in present scenario